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Department of Public Safety officer standing in front of patrol car

The Department of Public Safety & 警察负责在阿诺德校园和阿伦德尔米尔斯停车场执行交通法规和停车规定. 这些规定旨在保护我们的学生,教师,员工和游客的安全.

Maryland’s Vehicle Law, Rules of the Road – Title 21, Section 101.第1(2)条规定,在社区大学财产上使用机动车辆的人必须遵守道路规则,就像他们在马里兰州的高速公路或道路上一样.

DPSP can issue citations for violations of:

  1. College Parking Regulations.
  2. Maryland Vehicle Law.

View the official Traffic & Parking policy.

General Rules

All drivers must:

  • Operate and park their vehicles in a safe manner.
  • 在车辆上适当展示有效的停车许可证(仅限教职员).
  • 只可将车停在有标示的车位内及车位边界内.
  • 如果他们的车辆发生故障,立即通知公共安全部门和警察,并尽快将车辆移走. An abandoned vehicle will be removed at the owner’s expense.
  • Obey all college traffic and parking regulations. Those who do not may lose their right to park on campus.
  • Yield to pedestrians.


During weekday business hours, student parking is permitted in any space in lots A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J and M, excluding:

  • 残疾人专用区域:贴出或标明为残疾人专用的区域, loading zones, visitor and motorcycle parking
  • 保留区:用锥体或其他临时标记作保留的区域
  • Those areas posted or marked as reserved for faculty/staff spaces
  • Those areas having blue painted curbing, red painted curbing, lot entrance signs and/or stenciled writing on the pavement

After 7 p.m.周一至周五,允许在教职员工停车位停车. 星期六及星期日所有预留车位均可停车, 指定的残疾人区或装货区除外.

Accessible Parking

The number of accessible parking spaces on campus is limited. 除非你有以你的名义签发的许可证,否则不要使用无障碍停车位. 马里兰州法律要求所有持有许可证的人在后视镜上展示许可证,并随身携带许可证申请.

The law and college policy give a police officer, 或由当局执行的政治部门授权的任何其他人, to enforce this. 大学公共安全和警察有权要求任何人在残疾人专用车位停车,出示许可证申请. If you cannot produce the application, or the application is in someone else's name, the officer will advise you to move your vehicle from the space. 任何人违反机动车法本节的规定,均属轻罪,可处以罚款.

学生可向公安及警务处申领残疾人士临时泊车证, 有身体残疾但没有国家颁发的车牌或吊牌的教职员工. A physician's written statement will be required.

Parking Permits

Students are not issued parking permits.

Faculty and staff must properly display current parking permits, when parking in a faculty/staff permitted space, on the vehicles they park at the college each day. 教职员工许可证可在公共安全和警察局获得. The cost of replacement is $10. 许可证由公共安全和警察部门提供和管理.

所有遗失、被盗或毁坏的许可证必须立即向公共安全和警察报告. 如果您发现已报失或被盗的许可证,请将许可证交还给公安部门. Such permits are considered revoked; a vehicle may be ticketed and towed if it displays a revoked permit. 学院保留随时撤销/收回停车许可证的权利.

教职员工许可证必须挂在后视镜上, 号码朝前,透过挡风玻璃清晰可见.



全职员工可以通过自助服务(根据所需协议)申请停车许可证 MyAACC. Part-time employees and adjunct faculty can download a parking permit form,填妥后,以电邮方式送交公共安全及警务处 email or interoffice mail.

Violations and Fines

Violations Resulting in $15 Fine

  • Parked on the grass
  • Parked over the line (marked boundary) of a parking space
  • Littering

Violations Resulting in $35 Fine

  • No valid permit displayed
  • Displaying an expired, lost, stolen or revoked permit
  • Illegally parked in a space designed for the physically disabled
  • Illegally parked in a reserved or faculty/staff space
  • Parked in a loading zone or fire lane
  • Parked or driving on a walkway
  • Blocking a fire hydrant
  • Parked in area designated no parking at any time
  • Disregarding one-way sign
  • Exceeding posted speed limit
  • Failure to yield to a pedestrian
  • Driving in an unsafe manner
  • Failure to stop at a stop sign
  • Driving or parking against traffic flow
  • Failure to drive on the traveled portion of the roadway
  • Crossing a double yellow line to pass
  • Unattended motor vehicle left in operation
  • Obstructing traffic
  • Failure to park in a designated parking space
  • Parked at a yellow curb

Violation Resulting in $50 Fine

Violation of the AACC Campus Smoking Policy

Payment and Penalties for Traffic and Parking Violations

罚款必须在违规行为发出后的28个日历日内支付. A late penalty of $10 will be assessed beginning the 29th day. 逾期罚款每14天计算一次,直至缴付罚款或罚款最高达100元为止.

所有费用必须在学生服务中心120室出纳处支付. You can reach the cashier's office at 410-777-2236.



AACC的处罚可以在处罚发出之日起14天内提出上诉. The appeal will be reviewed by the DPSP appeal’s officer. After the appeal is evaluated, “批准”或“拒绝”的最终决定将以电子方式提交到上诉表格上提供的电子邮件地址.

If an initial appeal is denied, 你可向交通上诉委员会提出第二次及最后一次上诉. 该申诉必须以书面形式提出,并在收到最初拒绝邮件之日起14个日历日内由DPSP办公室收到. A copy of the denial email must accompany the second appeal.

If the committee denies your appeal, 从收到第二封拒绝信之日起,你有14个日历日的时间来支付罚款,否则将增加滞纳金. 如果未支付,将在学生或员工帐户上放置“商务办公室等待”. Final authority rests with this committee.

You may submit a citation appeal by completing a Campus Visitor Appeal online,或将其退还给收到奖状的大学办公室. 学院办公室将立即将其转发给公共安全和警察局,并作出解释.



  • Blocking a fire lane or hydrant.
  • Blocking a road, driveway, loading zone, or trash dumpster.
  • Parking in a reserved space.
  • Parking in a driveway.
  • Using a permit that has been reported lost or stolen.
  • Illegally parking in a disabled area.
  • 非法停放,对车辆和行人交通或对应急设备的移动或操作构成危险的车辆.
  • 根据马里兰州车辆法规§25-201被视为遗弃-意味着未经所有者或财产控制者同意,车辆在私有财产上超过48小时.


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You can submit your appeal request using our online form.